Registered office services
Offering you the advantages of company secretarial services based at Callow Park, Brinkworth, Wiltshire where our offices are based. Callow Park is a modern office space where there is a strong sense of a business community and is set in the beautiful Wiltshire countryside. There are no set-up fees for this service and it will assist you with Companies Act compliance.
Book a FREE consultation or call us on 01249 263 333
How we can help
If you want some advice about our registered office services then get in touch today for a free consultation.
By having a registered office with us, you will benefit from the following:
- Remove your sensitive or personal address from public record.
- Prestigious Callow Park address portrays professionalism and sense of business community.
- Company post is either forwarded to you by post/email or opened and dealt with, making this task more efficient.
Information assurance
Purple Lime operates with information security in mind. By achieving industry recognised certifications in information security, we ensure we do everything we can to keep your information safe and secure.